27 December 1993 "Year Ten After Orwell" Tenth Annual Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg The tenth annual Chaos Communication Congress began today in Hamburg's Eidelstedter Buergerhaus. The Congress has come to be a traditional meeting for hackers, taking place once a year between Christmas and New Year's Eve, offering visitors an insider's view into the world of data travel and electronics at play. The main theme here, however, is not so much the technical side as the socio-political aspects involved. The question of government monitoring of networks affects everyone, and is one of the most pressing issues of this year. To what extent is monitoring technically possible? What are the political plans and intentions? How can the right to privacy be reconciled with a ban on encrypting programs? Experts in these fields have gathered to present information on the latest technological and legal aspects. Open discussion forums offer participants the opportunity to form their own opinions. The number of women hackers has been increasing, almost unnoticed by the public. "Haecksen", female hackers, are making significant contributions to the scene. This year, for the first time, there is a room set up at the congress for women only, offering opportunities for women to ask questions and participate in discussions. Other themes include electronic cash, copyright, people's networks and electronic democracy, MODACOM (Telekom's packet radio network) and ISDN, lock picking and bookkeeping discrepancies. And, as usual, the Electronic Caf‚, the Chaos Archive, films (including training films from the Ministry for State Security of the former German Democratic Republic), a ZERBERUS-BBS, the Internet open information exchange, and all kinds of communication. Press information: A detailed press kit will be available upon request. Dates: Tenth Annual Chaos Communication Congress 27 - 29 December, 1993 Eidelstedter Buergerhaus Elbgaustrasse 12 D-22523 Hamburg-Eidelstedt Contact: Chaos Computer Club Schwenckstrasse 85 D-20255 Hamburg Press Hotline: Tel.: 040-571-0133 Fax: 040-571-4010 BBS: 040-571-0810